Directories of churches of Christ

Video Bible studies in sign language

World Video Bible School


Churches of Christ with services in sign language

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Congregations with the entire service in sign language



Church of Christ Hard of Hearing
347 Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 118688
Tel. 677 88259 Fax: 677 65278
Evangelist: Patrick Ong
Web Site

Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean

San Fernando

San Fernando Church of Christ
West Panco Lane
San Fernando, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

USA, Arizona


Desert Valley Deaf Church
2428 E Apache Blvd
(Apache ASL Trails Building - Community Room - 1st floor)
Tempe, AZ 85288
10 am - Bible study
10:45 am - Worship
Evangelist: Andrew Deuschle
Video phone: 806-370-8600
Web Page

USA, California


Highland church of Christ
10130 Rosedale Hwy
Bakersfield, CA 93312
Deaf Elder/Evangelist: Steve Jensen
Tel: Text 661-932-8793 | VP 661-829-4733

Services in ASL
Sunday Bible Class in Sign Language
Sunday AM Worship in Sign Language
Sunday PM Worship joint Hearing/Sign Language
Wed Bible Class in Sign Language
Classes available for learning Sign Language

USA, Florida


53rd Ave Church of Christ
3412 53rd Ave. E. (SR70)
Bradenton, FL
Services for hard of hearing
9:00 am - Deaf Bible study
10:00 am - Sign language for regular worship service
7:00 pm Bible study
Web Page

USA, Kentucky


Douglass Hills Church of Christ
300 Burnsdale Road
Louisville, KY 40243
Tel. 502-245-0573
9:00 am - Worship service
10:10 - Bible class
11:00 am - Worship service
Wednesday, 7:30-- Midweek Bible class
Web Page

All services are interpreted for the deaf.

USA, Texas


South 11th & Willis Church of Christ
3309 South 11th Street
Abilene, TX 79605
Preacher for the deaf: Richard Smith
Web Page

The Ministry to the deaf at 11th & Willis has a long history. Our deaf members play an active role in the life of the congregation. They worship together at 9:00 AM on the first and third Sundays of each month in the chapel located in our West Building. Several of our deaf members participate in leading these worship services. Their Bible classes are taught in ASL and are interpreted for the hearing who also attend.

Richard Smith (who lives in Frisco, Texas) comes to preach for us in ASL on the first Sunday of each month. Afterwards there is a potluck lunch and matters pertaining to the deaf ministry are discussed.


Men who preach or teach in sign language


Patrick Ong, preacher, Singapore

United States

Ross Blasingame, ASL, hearing, Abilene, Texas
Joe Cardot, ASL, elder, hearing, Abilene, Texas
Jerry Drennan, ASL, deacon, hearing, Abilene, Texas
Larry Prince, ASL, deacon, hearing, Abilene, Texas
Richard Smith, ASL, preacher, deaf, Abilene, Texas


Women who teach or interpret in sign language

United States

Sharon Arnold, ASL, hearing, Abilene, Texas
Monetta Novak, ASL, Signed English, hearing, Bloomingdale, Illinois
Nancy Prince, ASL, hearing, Abilene, Texas